Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Sufferings : The Story So Far : Chapter 4

The details of the visit to the X-Ray lab are quite boring. But I'm jobless and if you've read so much, you too must be. So I'll tell you. Its the usual nonsense. They take you into a cold room and ask you to remove your shirt. I complained to myself about the temperature, but didn't say anything. Then you stand there half naked in the cold as he takes his own sweet time to make adjustments such as turning numerous knobs and kicking the machine. Well what the heck. Why cant he do this before dragging me into the cold or making me remove my shirt. So I stand there and wait for him to order me around. For my particular X-Ray, I had to stand like how Jesus had to when he was crucified. At least he had nails to support his arms. Then after much (of his) thought, the "photo" was taken and the report was prepared.

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