Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Sufferings : The Story So Far : Chapter 2

As i was saying, the IPL was pretty much the only thing to look forward to. Much of this doctor-hospital monstrosity began on Friday, 16th April 2010. Yes i must mention the date because a few years from now, i would like to look back at this and laugh at my stupidity and joblessness like probably what Chetan Bhagat is doing now. Back to my story : I had gone for a general check up. Well i had been coughing like heck for the past 9 months but whatever. The doctor smiled as i entered the room. Quite a pleasant smile actually. But with a hint of "Ah look another victim to torment" look on his face. He listened to my mother's babbles of how i kept coughing all the time and smilingly nodded his head continuously. Like those dogs people keep on the dashboard of their cars. Staring at me the whole time. Like my feelings towards most doctors, I hated him too. Suddenly he stopped nodding and perked up. Either someone electrocuted him or my mother had said something shocking. The latter was true. There were visible nodes on the side of my neck. Little little bumps which had no significance to me. Heck it didn't even hurt or anything. His first reaction was to feel up my neck. Which I personally didn't enjoy. After recovering from shock, he then managed to mumble "Chest X-Ray" or something like that. We had to get one done and meet him that evening. By the time I left his room, he seemed to have fully recovered from his "Fake" shock.

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